Thursday, April 28, 2011

Resident Assistant Profile: Melissa Hernando

As the semester nears it's end, not only does it mean everyone is getting ready for a new set of class schedules and professors but also a new batch of housing Resident Assistants. Melissa Hernando, a current Resident Assistants gave me a scoop into her job "keeping the dorms in line".

Recently, I have noticed everyone preparing and observably panicking about their Resident Assistants interviews. As a dorm resident you may already know via all the commotion that the housing office is taking interviews for potential Resistant Assistants for Fall 2011 and judging by the large numbers of applicants, it appears to be a coveted role.

So, what makes an ideal R.A.? I spoke with Los Cerritos Resident Assistants, Melissa Hernando to profile her job, and she offered some interesting tips to applicants, so listen up!

Above: Melissa Hernando,
 Resisdent Assistant for Los Cerritos building.
Photo Courtsey of Hernando.
Melissa Hernando

1) I live in Los Cerritos, and I am an R.A. for the second floor east side.

2) I applied to be an R.A. because I decided that I wanted to be a role model for the residents, and have someone that can mentor and help them the way that my R.A.'s helped me. I also had friends that were R.A.'s and they all seemed like they would always have fun and they had a special bond with each other which I wanted to be a part of.

3) Students who are applying to be an R.A. should remember that they need to be themselves first and foremost, and that they are trying to become representatives of housing so they should be prepared to present ideas on how to make the residence halls even more of a community environment and more enjoyable for the future residents.

4) Best part of the job for me is definitely bonding with the other R.A.'s and being able to set an example for the residents to follow. The worst part of my job is dealing with issues that the residents have and needing to be their main support system when the majority of them are leaving home for the first time.

5) I am reapplying to be an R.A. and I would definitely recommend the role because I honestly have never learned so much about myself and the potential that I have to offer, and the most rewarding part of this position is realizing how much of an impact I have made on so many people's lives, and that feeling is irreplaceable.

All the best to current applicants.

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