Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring semester dorm events; a hit or miss this semester?

The Spring Semester is quickly encroaching its mid-term period and accordingly many dorm events organized seasonally by the residence assistants are coming into full-swing. But what has the reception been like this year, are students taking advantage of these events or is there a demand for change?

Each semester as part of their duties the Residence Assistants on campus are required to organize campus events for those living in the dorm.  In mid-February the first event of the semester, the Valentine’s Day dance started off with a big bang, and since then more events have stepped off the bandwagon.  
Only recently, the Big Bear ski and snowboarding trip which offered an exceptional deal where students only paid the half-price of, $45 to rent snow equipment, ski lift and transportation to the ski resort was a big success with students like Melissa Bird, an International House residence lining up for over two hours to secure tickets. The Residence Assistants acknowledge the events as thus far being popular and in demand. “So far these events are popular as most students are excited to get active and do something off campus with their friends,” Emily Lees, R.A. of Residence Common, building D said. However she acknowledges that, “it depends on how much the Residence Assistant’s themselves market and publicize them."
The student opinion is diversified with many students acknowledging that there needs to be slight changes implemented in order for more students to take advantage. Some agree that despite the prices being affordable the sign up times can be inconvenient. “No, I don’t sign up in time and sometimes I want to because it’s cheap and easy so it would be better if there was more dates to sign up,” freshman student, Logan Webster said.
Kady Kamakaté, Residence Assistant at the International House states that this semester in terms of changes, the residence assistants are grouping together for events meaning there will be less events but more quality events with greater funding pools. “The events were having a hit and miss so we decided to have more group projects, meaning more money for items and more inclusive events,” Kady Kamakaté said.
However most agree that the positives outweigh the negatives for students who are low on money and time or are even unfamiliar with the surroundings.  “We don’t know the in’s and out’s of everything on campus,” Daniel Kniaz said, an international exchange student from Australia. “It’s great because it is already prepared for you, the travelling, location, fees, events etc. so it’s convenient.”

Kady Kamakaté, Residence Assistant at the International House is organizing the upcoming “Tom’s style your sole” event on March 19th which enables students to purchase fabric shoes to design and wear whilst raising much needed funds for those in poverty-stricken situations overseas. Kamakaté agrees that despite not all events having equal popularity, the new improvements this semester which sees Resistant Assistants working in teams will ensure there are more quality events offering the usual discounted rate, ultimately benefiting residents.

Students shouldn’t fear, classic R.A. events such as the “M.A.C nights”, and themed nights are still being catered for, with the overall impression that these will only get better as the semester ensues.

Below photos taken by NPingle showcasing the various
posters displayed in the Resdential Dining Hall. Events
are organzied by each Residential Assistant.. for housing residents.
Above: LA Galaxy soccer event staring David Beckham.

Above: Beach Idol event starting April 20th 2011.

Above: Disney Land event where tickets only $45 and
includes t-shirt making. 

Above: Grease movie night and Clothing Swap.

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